CW: Fabrications Of Lives, Memory Wiping
In a world where Disassembly Drones were never created and Worker Drones live without fear in a village on Copper-9. The planet is naturally like that, with actual snow. However, the air is still not breathable, so they're really the only life that exists there, as far as they know. JCJenson employed them at the company back on Earth, with periodic change outs to help at the Elliott Manor. U, N, V, J, C, L, D, and T were all permanently assigned to the manor however, and ended up becoming Tessa's favorite Drones, and the bane of her parent's existence. N in particular being permanently assigned to the manor also helped Tessa keep a eye on him and his virus.
The Drones live in a small village, with a building that houses the Worker Defense Force, led by Khan, as well as a school to occupy the younger Drones.
FAMILY: Khan Doorman & Nori Doorman (Deceased)
FRIENDS: N & Thad (Crushes)
Uzi initally met N when Khan misread sarcasm she gave him, and got assigned to watch him down in the WDF Basement. The two quickly bonded, leading to Uzi soon deciding to break N out of jail, harboring him at her house. She gave him some oil just to prevent him from going feral, though usually tries to get him to hunt WDF members. A bit of a loner, Uzi's really only friends with N and Thad, and maybe Tessa. After finding out what Tessa did, she holds a grudge towards her, though she eventually decides to move past it and forgive her - but it doesn't mean she has to like what Tessa did. Dragged N on the school trip, and created N's favorite plushie, Kyle, since she knew he liked dogs but was too nervous about owning one. Starts realizing she has feelings for N around the school trip, especially when the two share a bed as N couldn't climb back into his, and Uzi didn't want him sleeping on the floor. Dislikes grabbing N by the collar/chain, but has done so a few times out of quickly trying to pull him back. Enjoys calling N "Wolfboy," and dislikes others using the nickname. U was one of the more disliked Drones, due to her tendency to hoard electronics and lock herself in a closet.
FAMILY: Unknown, likely dead. Tessa & Cyn (Adoptive Sisters), Lives With Uzi
FRIENDS: Uzi & Thad (Crushes)
The "dangerous Weredrone" captured by the WDF and chained to a wooden post in their Basement. He's infected with a virus that causes him to crave oil, and if he doesn't get it, he begins overheating. Then, he either goes feral, or he dies. N has a odd relationship with murder - he knows its wrong, but his virus usually suppresses this thought process to make him a more efficent killer. N has quick healing, though this does not affect self-inflicted injuries, which Uzi only learned when he cut off his own arm after waking up from hunting finding himself pinning Uzi, though she had her suspicions since his ear was torn early on in their friendship. They tried to get Tessa to re-attach it, but N ate too much of it. N is a very playful Drone, enjoying dog games such as fetch, and chews on the human bones Tessa keeps giving to him. Perfers being called N, though still uses his original name Nathan as a cover to not out himself as the Weredrone (despite how obvious it is - and yes, N is his real original name, but he doesn't really remember that). No matter how overheated he is, he will always fall into a semi-feral state when eating, growling and protecting his kill. Close with Tessa and Cyn, often going over to their place if Uzi is busy or its too dangerous for N to be at her house. While its never actually found out how N got his virus despite Uzi's attempts to learn, Tessa seems pretty solid on thinking it was the result of one of JCJenson's employee's kids infecting him while they were at the Manor during a meeting, since company kids loved fucking with the Drones despite Tessa's attempts to stop them. None of the other Drones really remember N when he starts going around in society again. Back at the Manor, N's virus acted up a lot, getting him in more trouble than usual, and even hurting and killing the other Drones, including being the cause of Doll's injury. Then there's the massacre...
FAMILY: Mother
A closed off Drone who really only interacts with Tessa. Sometimes watches Cyn if Tessa needs her to, Jenny is the top student in most of her classes, causing her to not be very well liked as she's viewed as a bit of a Teacher's Pet by the others. Also because she's quite the jerk to some of the students. Treats N better than she does in canon, if only due to the fact they don't interact much, though still finds him to be really annoying. While none of the Drones were really liked, J was at least one of the more perferable ones, due to her dedication to following orders and her job.
FAMILY: Mother (Father Deceased)
FRIENDS: Lizzy (Crush), Uzi, N
Despite being a Worker in this AU, Vanny acts more like her Disassembler self, though toned down. She enjoys rambling about morbid topics, such as weird deaths, and usually has a knife on her at all times. She's more open about those she cares about, but at the same time attempts to hide it. One of Lizzy's best friends, she isn't worried about Doll actually doing anything to her, refusing to take the threats seriously since Lizzy wouldn't like it if Doll did do anything. Vanny will sometimes make threats towards others herself, but she wouldn't ever hurt anyone unless she needs to... like when a hungry Weredrone is trying to bite her head off. V was more toned down, keeping mainly to herself.
FAMILY: Parents
FRIENDS: N & Uzi (Crushes), Lizzy, Doll, Tessa, Cyn
Thad was the first one Uzi told about N, barring Tessa who obviously already knew. Thad also joins Uzi when she goes over to Tessa's to get her admin permissions, and while a little nervous, remains neutral on the situation, even giving a confused N (as he did not see the memories) his oil as a sign of trust. Enjoys playing fetch with N. T liked talking a lot when cleaning, with only a few of the Drones really standing to listen to him.
FAMILY: Yeva & Father (Both Deceased), Lives With Lizzy, Byte
FRIENDS: Lizzy (Girlfriend), Thad
Doll doesn't know what happened to her face, though after noticing that N was a Weredrone, was pretty quick in figuring that he was the cause of her injury. He eventually makes the same realization, apologizing to her, though it's unknown if she really forgives him for it. She doesn't really have to, after all. Regardless, Doll is a very aggressive Drone who is super protective over her only friend, Lizzy. She threatens those she percieves as threats to Lizzy's safety, mainly N or Vanny (despite Doll being more dangerous than Vanny is). Lizzy wants them to get along and for Doll to stop being so overprotective, but Doll just doesn't know how to do that. She's never had a friend before - go big or... go murder? Doll, of course, also usually has a knife on her. D usually followed L around, helping her with her tasks.
FAMILY: The Teacher, Byte
FRIENDS: Doll (Girlfriend), Vanny (Crush), Thad
Lizzy is still the popular girl, though her best friends aren't really - they're left alone because they're her besties, though. Lizzy owns a phone she stole from a dead JCJenson employee during the massacre, and is often using it, sometimes listening to music with Doll or Vanny. Enjoys carrying Byte around and thinks its funny when Byte attacks Drones she does not trust. L frequently complained about her work.
FAMILY: Tessa & N (Adoptive Older Siblings), Lives With Tessa
FRIENDS: Thad, Uzi
Acts more child-like, and does not really pick up on social cues. Her more robotic way of moving and speaking is retained, though there's no Solver, she's not a zombie, she's just like that. She likes petting N's tail and playing with toys that Tessa creates when she's bored. C would often have to clean up the messes she made while playing, and would steal bones out of Tessa's room to play with N.
FAMILY: James & Louisa Elliott (Both Deceased), N & Cyn (Adoptive Siblings)
FRIENDS: Thad, Jenny, Uzi
The one who ushered all the Drones onto the Escape Pod to Copper-9 after N's Massacre of Elliott Manor. Doesn't really mind that the Drones have no memory of her, since it's easier to have a fresh start like this. However, she also does not seem to really care either, since she's rather blunt about knowing information she shouldn't (like knowing N's name or oil drinking need before he told her), though other times she does pretend to not have the knowledge (very rarely). Tessa feels guilty over what she did, but truely believed there was no other way to go about it. Tessa's helmet and spacesuit in general is designed to never let N see what she really looks like again - she's too nervous that seeing a human might reactivate the human-hunting aspect of the virus, even though it never happened in the time after the Massacre to when Tessa first started wearing the suit and rewrote their memories. Due to going from having really controlling parents to being free to do whatever, Tessa is very implusive and doesn't really think before she does things most of the time.
FICS: This Can't Be Right
ASKBLOG: weredrone-replies
SONGS: The Puppet Song - TryHardNinja, Let's Go! - PoorManPoison
CW: Someone Always Watching
A AU heavily based on the show Raising Hope, featuring N trying to figure out how to raise an abandoned Worker Drone baby he found in the snow. All characters involved (aside from the kids obviously) are adults in their early-late 20s. The only Drones to have parents are the babies, like Chip. Khan, Yeva, etc still exist, they just aren't related to Uzi or Doll, etc.
JCJenson sent a group of Worker Drones to Copper-9 to mine for resources, but they eventually got fed up with it and revolted, refusing to do any work and instead building their own society, forming relationships and creating children. Most Drones were content with the new society they made, though some of them, notably Thad, who would frequently wonder away from the rest, grew bored with it. They were given a job to mine, revolted, and now they have jobs where they build things and sell it to other Drones.
A important note - N, V, and J are only programmed to kill revolting Drones. This means they only focus on them, and are less violent in canon, but they're still pretty bloodthirsty. Another note, N, V, and J were only modified, these aren't copies, these are the originals. After the Disassembly Drones are deployed, the WDF are formed and build a Base to hide out from the Murder Drones.
N was hesitant on getting a Worker to babysit Chip since Workers have a habit of hating Disassembly Drones, but luckily N found Thad. Thad began babysitting, and he quickly introduced N to Uzi, who was also rather bored of the revolt, and the trio realized they all had feelings for each other, and began dating, Thad and Uzi adopting Chip once N moves in. He, alongside Thad and Uzi, begin living in a abandoned (and oily) apartment, with Thad and Uzi introducing N to Doll and Lizzy, and N introducing them to V, J, Tessa, and Cyn.
FAMILY: Uzi & Thad & N (Parents), J & Tessa & Cyn (Family Friends), Doll & Lizzy & V ("Aunts"), Bonnie (Adoptive Younger Sister), Velvet ("Cousin")
FRIENDS: Beau, Bonnie, Velvet
The Worker Drone baby N found in the snow. Chip grows up unaware of the distaste most of the Drones have for her and her family, at least until she learns for herself in school that her father is a serial killer. Is rather outcasted, due to her loudness, messy playstyle, overly friendly nature, and her uncaringness towards violence. Despite this, she refuses to give up, though it is why her only non-family friend is Beau. While her parents try to keep N's bloodlust away from her, it still imprinted on her, causing her to start biting her classmates and threatening them. N worries that this behavior is her taking after him, though he isn't really concerned with her being violent - he just doesn't want her to be doing this because he is. Chip acts fearless and brave, often teasing Beau, usually about his unwillingness to go into his own closet (nobody but Alice herself knows what's in there, so Chip just naturally thinks Beau's weird for not going in there). Despite her tendency to act fearless, there are a few things she's scared of - she loves flying around with N, though she starts panicking if he goes too high. She also would be scared if ever encountering a feeding Alice or N. Nicknamed "Murderer's Baby" by the other Workers and her Classmates.
FAMILY: Thad & N (Boyfriends), Chip (Adoptive Daughter), Bonnie (Daughter)
FRIENDS: Lizzy, Doll
Still a outcast, but doesn't really care much about it, rather, she's more bothered by the exact same thing happening to her daughters. She met N after Thad introduced them, and N soon moved in with the both of them. Uzi likes teasing both V and J.
FAMILY: Uzi & Thad (Partners), Chip (Adoptive Daughter), Bonnie (Daughter), Tessa & Cyn (Adoptive Sisters)
FRIENDS: Lizzy, Doll
First finding Chip on a hunt, N decided to raise her despite not knowing for sure she was a Worker, with J and V not thinking it was a good idea. Met Thad, got him to babysit Chip for him, and all that. He's constantly stepping on eggshells to not fuck up, as he knows the WDF are very much on his ass about killing within the Base. It's just a lot harder to suppress the instinct when his prey are literally surrounding him. N tries his best to be a good father to Chip and Bonnie, and a good partner to Uzi and Thad, though often worries that his murderous nature will scare his family, despite being somewhat blind to why the Workers don't want him killing them ("I get to live too, don't I?"). N usually takes a small amount of oil from his friends, though the suppressed bloodlust and that being way less oil than he needs explodes every so often, so he still hunts outside the base when he can. Eventually, he decides that it will never truly be safe to live at the Base when the WDF are itching for a reason to attempt killing him (as he watches them try to kill a feral Alice while Beau begs them not to as she isn't permanently like that), which could very easily lead into a full-blown massacre as he would obviously defend himself. Thus, knowing that James and Louisa are dead (though not how, just that they are), he and the rest of his family (plus J, Alice, and Beau) go back to the Pod, and to the Manor itself.
FRIENDS: Tessa (Someone May Have A Crush Oooo)
Dedicated leader, of course. Never had time for N's family, or later on V's, finding all of it rather annoying and a bother to have to deal with. Often has late night talks with Tessa, and panicked rather badly when Tessa's call about her parents dying came through, even though she had no clue it went down like that. J feels guilty for not being there to help or protect Tessa, despite it being out of her hands. J has a communicator built into her that rests on her shoulder, and its used to talk with Tessa and Cyn. N and V frequently hijack it to talk to Tessa, which always annoys J.
FAMILY: Lizzy (Girlfriend), Doll (Platonic Partner), Velvet (Adoptive Daughter)
Initally views all Workers as judgemental assholes and refuses to help N on the basis that she also doesn't know how to raise a baby. V starts coming around when she's introduced to Lizzy, looking forward to her visits and wanting to spend more time with her. Lizzy picks up on this and asks V to babysit Velvet one day, figuring that the first thing she should do is make sure V can treat her daughter well. V also doesn't really like the Workers due to their treatment of N, Chip, and Bonnie, though refuses to actually admit this. Later starts dating Lizzy and adopts Velvet.
FAMILY: Uzi & N (Partners), Chip (Adoptive Daughter), Bonnie (Daughter)
FRIENDS: Lizzy, Doll
Would very much rather be doing anything but his job, which led to him meeting N. Still has the same speech mannerisms, causing the kids to refer to him as "Captain Awesome" (hey, this isn't Chuck AU?), which started out as Chip referring to her dads differently, but now it's just kind of a shared nickname for really anyone close with Thad. For reference, Chip and Bonnie call N "Murder Dad," they've repeatedly been told to pick another name since N being a mass murderer isn't really welcomed, but the kids think it's funny and refuse to do so.
FAMILY: Lizzy (Wife), Velvet (Daughter), V (Platonic Partner)
FRIENDS: Uzi, N, Thad
Quiet, monotone, and really only emotes when playing violent video games with Thad, Doll is also somewhat of a outcast due to a lot of the other Drones thinking she's creepy. Doll's visor was damaged in a workplace incident, though she refuses to really elaborate on that. Doll enjoys sewing, having made a few outfits for Velvet, her own dress being one of the first things she made, and she loves it dearly.
FAMILY: Doll (Wife), Velvet (Daughter), V (Girlfriend)
FRIENDS: Uzi, N, Thad
Peppy, loud, and will berate and belittle you if she catches you making fun of any of her friends or family. She's defensive of them, especially Doll due to the whole "other Drones think she's creepy" thing. Once responded to someone's off-putting comment towards Doll by making out with her in front of them. Is aware of V's crush, liking to tease her about it before they start properly dating.
FAMILY: Tessa & N (Adoptive Older Siblings)
Prior to Tessa's snapping, Cyn was a pretty nervous Drone who was just trying to make sure Tessa did what she was asked, not wishing for either to get into trouble. James managed to irreversibly program Cyn to follow Tessa around constantly, in order to make sure Tessa never forgot that they were always keeping a eye on her. Despite this, Tessa still managed to do her personal tasks, achieved through draping a blanket over Cyn before she went grave-robbing. After the snap, Cyn is more open, but just as tired, as she is basically Tessa's caretaker, having to remind her to eat or sleep somewhere that isn't a wooden chair. She tries to get Tessa to tell N, V, and J what happened to her parents, failing until the Drones return back to Elliott Manor.
FAMILY: James & Louisa Elliott (Parents, Both Deceased), N & Cyn (Adoptive Siblings), Chip & Bonnie (Adoptive Nieces)
FRIENDS: V, J (Love? Mayhaps?)
Bitter, angry, suppressing so many violent thoughts, Tessa is the sole mechanic of the large amount of Drones still employeed to Elliott Manor or JCJenson. She barely sleeps, is working all day, and often breaks things she's working on out of fustration. James also forces her to change N, V, and J into killing machines to eradicate the revolting Worker Drones on Copper-9. When she finally can't take it anymore, she grabs a knife and attacks her parents, getting into a fight after barricading the door so Cyn can't stop her. Tessa wins, though injured, and chooses to tell J about her parents being dead before Cyn drags her away to get patched up. No longer having to suppress anything in fear of being punished, Tessa's more blunt about her violent thoughts and anger, storing her parents in the freezer to eat off of as she's currently too nervous about the idea of going off the property for the first time ever... she's in her twenties. Tessa often ends calls by suggesting everyone move into the Manor, which does eventually happen... though that means she has to tell everyone what she did to herself. Tessa can't undo what she did to N, V, and J (due to how dangerous the modifications were to begin with) nor can she undo what James did to Cyn or Alice's oil-craving and feral state. There's plenty of Drones and oil... so not like they need to worry.
FAMILY: Beau (Son), Sarah (Partner)
FRIENDS: N, Uzi, Thad, Doll, Lizzy
Alice says she doesn't want "strangers" in the house, and would rather only Beau go to Chip's house. This is actually due to her paranoia that Drones would realize there's a corpse in the house, or that N would be the one to pick her up - he would absolutely smell the corpse. She doesn't worry too much about Beau since he's a great listener - she told him to stay out the closet, so he does - but the guilt is killing her. Alice didn't mean to kill Sarah, of course, she just... absentmindedly stuck her oily hand in her mouth and it resulted in her craving oil and falling into a feral state if she doesn't get it. Unlike other Drones who went feral, Alice can oddly come back from it, though she did kill Sarah the second time this occurred. She tries to balance how much of its corpse she eats when she's clear-headed to stop herself from going feral as much as she can. After all, if the WDF or Beau caught wind of what happened...
FAMILY: Alice (Mother), Sarah (Parent)
FRIENDS: Chip & Velvet & Bonnie
Beau is a polite Drone who is desensitized to violence due to his love of Horror Movies. He's always seen wearing the slightly oversized hat he recieved from his parent, Sarah, before it "went on a out of Base work trip," and he's worried that V or J is going to kill it since they don't know. Chip's only non-family friend, the two often pair up in class projects and walk home from school together, with Beau frequently staying over at her house.
FAMILY: Doll & Lizzy (Mothers), V (Adoptive Mother), Thad & N ("Uncles"), Uzi ("Aunt"), J & Tessa & Cyn (Family Friends), Chip & Bonnie ("Cousins")
FRIENDS: Chip, Beau, Bonnie
Biter. Ankle biter. Likes hissing at others. She doesn't talk much, and usually looks annoyed, following Chip, Beau, or Bonnie around. Velvet loves being held (only by Doll or Lizzy), teddy bears, and dropping onto her friends from the counter when they aren't expecting it.
FAMILY: N & Thad & Uzi (Parents), Doll & Lizzy ("Aunts"), Chip (Adoptive Older Sister) J & V & Tessa & Cyn (Family Friends), Velvet ("Cousin")
FRIENDS: Chip, Beau, Velvet
Unlike Chip, Bonnie really is fearless. She's also quite disliked in the Base, due to N fighting for his right to imprint on his daughter, making her part Disassembler. Nicknamed "Little Murderer" despite the fact she's yet to kill. Bonnie is usually the first one Chip, Velvet, or Beau will go to when they have a problem, usually one where Bonnie can fight someone - she's small but she's got that Disassembler strength. And nanite acid bite. And claws. Velvet loves being carried around in her tail, and Bonnie is learning to fly with N and sometimes V.
FAMILY: Alice (Wife), Beau (Son)
Really affectionate, not that anyone but Alice or Beau ever saw that. It never quite became friends with Chip's family before Alice went feral and killed it. Poor dude's corpse is just locked in the closet...
ASKBLOG: raising-chip-au
SONGS: Curses - The Crane Wives, Hayloft 2 - Mother Mother, People Eater - Sodikken, Home - The Magnetic Zeros, White Night - The Postelles
CW: None
Takes minor inspiration from the TV Show What We Do In The Shadows.
Copper-9, but it's naturally inhabited by Drones, still likely created by JCJenson a long while ago, but the company has nothing to do with the Elliotts here. The air isn't toxic, and everyone lives in homes and towns and whatnot. The Elliotts are the only humans here, for whatever reason, living in a Manor on the edge of the main town the AU takes place within. In a rather small home, lives the newest Vampire colony (a note - unlike the usual 1,000 year old vampires you see in media, N, V, and J are the same age as Uzi and them. Cyn is older though since she's one of the highest ranking Vampires on Copper-9), consisting of Nate, Vanny, and Jenny.
Tired of the cramped house, the Vampires raided Elliott Manor, killing and eating James and Louisa, but sparing a begging Tessa they found hiding in her room. Tessa was made into Jenny's new familiar, though the blood the Vampires drank from her parents wacked them out for a few days. Nobody seems to notice that Drones live in the Manor now - it's not like Louisa and James were particularly well-liked members of the community, and pretty much nobody even knew Tessa existed.
FAMILY: Khan & Nori Doorman
FRIENDS: Nate, Thad
Nate's familiar. Uzi was the first hired of the current familiars, having been invited over by Nate after she asked why he buys so many clothes ("We're... really messy painters"). Thad wanted to see his art, though he ends up not being able to go. Nate, of course, actually wanted to kill and eat the two, though changed his mind and instead asked if she would be his familar. Uzi tends to procrastinate her tasks unless Nate's the one asking her to do something, and she sleeps on a chair in Nate's room (he'd get her a bed if Jenny would allow it - after Tessa joins the group Uzi is upgraded to a beanbag). She's best friends with the vampire loving Thad, though she can't tell him that she's a familiar or that Nate's a vampire. She does kind of find the situation funny.
FRIENDS: Uzi, Thad, Vanny(...?), Tessa
The lowest vampire of the group, yet also the most violent. Nate loves spending nights shifting into a Golden Retriever, running down the streets, free... until the dogcatchers bring him to the Shelter again, and Uzi has to get him out in the morning. Nate doesn't... really leave a corpse behind, which sure makes Uzi's job easier, and he likes bringing her to fly. Thad is starting to get suspicious about Nate and the Golden Retriever he keeps seeing be brought in, due to the two having the same shade of fur/hair color and heterochromia, though Nate always nervously denies the notion. Likes hanging out with Uzi, Thad, and Tessa, often going to events, usually just with Uzi and Thad as Tessa is still way too out of touch with society to jump into a carnival or other large gatherings. Tends to defend his friends with killing or maiming.
The leader of the Vampires, Jenny is tasked with keeping the group on track on their plan to take over. It's... it's not going great. They're really awful at this. Treats Nate just about the same as in canon, though after bonding with Tessa and seeing how she was left after her parents treatment, starts lightening up on Nate. Jenny eats most like your typical vampire - bite the neck and drink. Jenny's actually somewhat of a poor flier, and hates having to admit to it.
FRIENDS: Nate(...?), Lizzy
Second-In-Command... really only in name. Jenny prefers keeping all the leadership stuff to herself. Vanny is usually with Lizzy or scaring the locals, thinking it's funny to fuck with them. She tears out the wires of her corpses and eats those alongside the oil, which Jenny dislikes since it's so messy. Vanny will sometimes tease Lizzy by having her fetch the most basic of things.
FAMILY: Parents
FRIENDS: Uzi, Lizzy, Doll, Nate
Uzi's best friend, Thad's always loved vampires as long as Uzi's known him, which makes it weird that it's taking so long for him to put the pieces together when it comes to Nate. Thad often joins in on vampire conventions, though tends to only do so if they're small and he doesn't know anyone there due to being teased for it in the past. He works as a volunteer at the local animal shelter, being the same one that Nate frequently finds himself at. Getting suspicious.
FAMILY: Yeva & Sarah
FRIENDS: Lizzy, Thad
The most recent Vampire Hunter in a family line of them, Doll is quiet and aggressive. She keeps to herself, only really ever talking to Thad or Lizzy. Thad's unaware of her Hunting career, she's unaware that he loves the creatures she regularly hunts down and kills. Great at crafting her own weapons, concerning her classmates (who aren't Lizzy, anyway) since she tends to do this in the middle of class.
FAMILY: The Teacher & Father
FRIENDS: Uzi, Nate, Thad, Vanny
Vanny's familar. Lizzy was the second hired, having simply been asked by Vanny when the two were alone together. Knew it was a bad idea since her childhood bestie was a very efficent Hunter, but agreed anyway. Lizzy finds it rather annoying that her two best friends can't hang out together, but knows how dangerous and out of hand it would get if they did. Tends to ignore her tasks for several hours, choosing instead to insult whoever walks into the room she's in.
The head vampire, currently in town for a observation due to how relatively new Jenny's team are to the town. Cyn isn't above threatening others to get the Vampires to work harder, usually targeting Tessa for Jenny and Nate for Vanny (Tessa and Nate are unaware). She's found that she doesn't really need to do the same for Nate - he loves doing anything, after all, but Uzi would do the trick if it comes to that. Cyn usually stays in the attic in her coffin, which Uzi frequently mentions doesn't seem like a good way to observe the vampires (Uzi is also loud about her dislike of Cyn in general so there's that).
FAMILY: James & Louisa Elliott (Both Deceased)
FRIENDS: Jenny, Nate
Jenny's familiar. The sole survivor of the raid on Elliott Manor, Tessa begged Nate and Lizzy not to kill her, which they agreed to since Jenny needed a new familiar, thus making her the last of them to be hired. Tessa is rather nervous and shy, never socializing with anyone that wasn't her parents (and even then, that was rare). She easily panics should she accidentally break something, fearing a harsh punishment as that's what occurred with her parents - but Jenny will just calm her down, and tell her that nothing like that's going to happen. As Tessa spends more time with the Vampires, she becomes more social and less shy, though is still super dependent on Jenny when they go in public. It makes her a less efficent familiar, but Jenny doesn't really mind since she's great at tasks... as long as they don't go outside the Manor. Lizzy and Uzi can do that just fine, anyway. Tessa enjoys taking apart the Drones Jenny and Vanny leave around the Manor (if Nate doesn't EAT THEM FIRST /silly), experimenting and creating little projects with them.
FAMILY: Sarah (Partner), Doll (Daughter)
FRIENDS: Nori, Alice
Doll's mom, a vampire hunter. She has a bit of a vengence for her daughter's injury, but is less aggressive than her. She's nonverbal and uses her visor for text if need be, but Doll and Sarah are pretty good at communication with her without the text. The family is pretty quiet and to themselves, not that any of them really mind all that much.
FAMILY: Yeva (Wife), Doll (Daughter)
FRIENDS: Alice, Nate, Thad
Quiet and shy in public, very affectionate in private. Loves curling up on Yeva's lap or sleeping sprawled on the couch.
ASKBLOG: whatwedooncopper9
CW: None
AU inspired by the TV Show, Chuck.
Like in What We Do On Copper-9, Drones were likely built years ago by JCJenson, which is more like... the Government here. Elliotts have been in charge for generations, with the most recent being James and Louisa.
Before coming to the town they live in now, Yeva, Alice, and Nori worked for the Government, mainly research jobs. Near the end of their time there, they were assigned to the Solver Program, a dangerous and unstable telekinetic power James and Louisa were creating, testing it on Drones to make sure it was safe for them to use. The trio's jobs were to check on the test subjects, reporting changes or even death. Not long before the trio finally left, they learned about the Disassembly Drones, via Blueprints shown to them by co-workers. By the time they're finishing being built, there had been many design changes from the Blueprints shown, meaning Yeva, Nori, and Alice wouldn't recongize them, though felt suspicious. These Disassembly Drones were one of the main contributers to the trio quitting, finding Government Kill Bots to be rather horrible, wanting no part of it.
Between the trio quitting and Uzi & Doll being built, Alice left town to live out in the nearby woods, not really liking socializing. Meanwhile, Nori met Khan, and Yeva met her partner, soon having kids that they raised alongside each other, Uzi and Doll (Tessa was also born a few years later). By the time they start school, the Disassembly Drones have finished the construction and programming stage, entering Beta Testing.
When Uzi and the others are in High School, Uzi gets a part-time job at a Hot Topic, and a unknown entity sends Nori, Yeva, and Alice the Solver Program in a self-deleting-upon-opening email. Uzi and Doll opened the email before their moms could, infecting themselves with the Solver Program. Uzi usually has a okayish grip on her Program, though Doll's first go at it was a little... explodey, blowing up half of her face, which she just waves away as a bad skateboarding incident when asked by her parents.
Tessa contacts and informs them that they need to be extracted as they are the only Drones with the Solver Program, the rest of the test subjects died, and the only computer housing the Solver exploded after it was emailed to Yeva, Nori, and Alice. Of course, Uzi and Doll wouldn't go willingly, and both threatened exploding everything if Tessa tried taking them away from their homes, so she reluctantly agreed.
However, since Uzi and Doll were the only ones with the Solver Program, something super important to Louisa and James, and it being dangerous on its own, Tessa sent N, V, and J, who were fully operable for a few years now. These three were usually sent out in super special circumstances, as there are only three of them, due to difficulties in manfacturing them, especially the length of time and the fact the most efficent way to keep them in tip-top shape is feeding them oil. They have high strength, can heal from almost any injury, and top endurace, being able to survive super dangerous situations a regular Drone would perish from, and having constant access to many different weapons.
As they are the only Disassembly Drones, N, V, and J do have to be called out every now and again, but since they're only used in special circumstances, it isn't that often an occurance.
Info listed on N, V, and J's refs are shared between all three Disassembly Drones.
FAMILY: Khan & Nori Doorman
FRIENDS: N (Crush), V, Doll, Alice, Thad
Solver Infected Drone. Uzi almost instantly tells Thad about her situation despite the fact she's not supposed to, and is hiding that fact from her handlers, N and (temporarily) V. She gets them both as she works in a mall, and needs the extra protection since she's out in public alot, though once Alice is located, V is reassigned to her. Has to be careful when inviting N over, since there's risk of Nori recongizing him, though this would be easier if the already decided cover was anything but boyfriend/girlfriend. Uzi does grow to realize she does actually love him, finding herself weird for it since N's a Government sent killbot. Uzi works at a Hot Topic.
FAMILY: Tessa & Cyn (Adoptive Sisters)
FRIENDS: Uzi (Crush), V, Doll, Alice, Thad
Uzi's Handler. N is probably the most blunt about the killing nature of the Disassemblers, saying rather frightening things while keeping his peppy tone. It takes N awhile to realize Uzi has a crush on him, as the way he's programmed makes him a bit blind to those kind of things... and also because he keeps mistaking her weird behavior as being Solver related. N will often carry Uzi around in his tail if they need to get somewhere fast, and likes bringing Uzi on nighttime flights. The two often have lunch breaks together, even though N can't eat the batteries provided, though he does use a water bottle filled with oil. N works at a gaming store across the "hall" from Uzi.
Doll's Handler. As Doll doesn't go out into public much, she only gets J, despite being the only Solver Drone to blow herself up. Finds the situation annoying, often having to get Doll to stop her experiments on getting the Solver out herself. J is very dedicated to her job, and thus has eaten Drones she's assigned to way less than N and V, unless instructed to. Never really gets attached to any of the Drones, and her protectiveness of Doll is really just about the Solver Doll houses.
FRIENDS: N, Uzi, Doll, Alice, Tessa, Lizzy (Crush)
Alice's Handler, but starts out assigned to Uzi. V was initially working at the mall's food court as cover, though after being reassigned to Alice, she quits and moves out of her and N's house (which was right next door to Uzi's), as it would be easier watching Alice if she moved in with her. Alice never really leaves the house, after all, though she does keep trying to sneak out to contact Yeva and Nori until she learns they don't have the Solver. V's patience is very much wearing down having to watch Alice. Initally refers to Uzi as just "Solver" as a way to make sure she won't get attached like N quickly did, though she slips up a few times, and just drops it by the time Doll and Alice learn that Uzi also has the Solver.
FAMILY: Parents
FRIENDS: Uzi, N (Crush), Lizzy, Doll
Uzi's close friend, Thad is aware of the situation... at least what concerns Uzi, anyway. He frequently would visit Uzi at her work to try and make it less boring to her, a trait shared with his Vampire AU counterpart. Thad very quickly started crushing on N, and Uzi, who has absolutely picked up on this, is unsure if she should tell him the truth since N doesn't notice anything's up... again. Thad likes playing sports with his friends, sometimes dragging Uzi into it somehow, and is rather impressed on how strong and fast N is when they play together.
FAMILY: Yeva & Father
FRIENDS: Lizzy (Girlfriend), Uzi, N, Thad, Alice
Solver Infected Drone. Doll does not trust the Government (for good reason, considering James wants the Solver Drones dead once the new computer is done, not that she knows), and is trying to get the Solver out of her on her own time, despite J repeatedly telling her to stop and that it won't work. Doll is usually at her own house or Lizzy's, which led to her only getting one Handler despite blowing up her face. Her experiments to remove the Solver don't go much better, as she often has to reattach her limbs or lay down for a few moments because she's too dizzy to walk.
FAMILY: The Teacher & Father
FRIENDS: Doll (Girlfriend), Uzi, N, Thad, V
Doll's close friend, Lizzy's been aware of Doll's side of the situation ever since she walked in on the aftermath of Doll's accidental Solver usage. She had to drag her to the hospital as Doll was more concerned about emails /lh. Lizzy likes teasing J, knowing why she's actually here, yet calling her by her cover name of "Jennifer" anyway. Lizzy will sometimes ask Doll to grab stuff for her if she's too busy scrolling on her phone, and will sometimes make J suffer even more by just making out with Doll while J's watching the two.
FAMILY: Tessa & N (Adoptive Younger Siblings)
Cyn basically had to raise Tessa, as she would frequently be put in her care by the Elliotts refusing to leave her at home with a babysitter since they didn't want to pay anyone. This caused Tessa to get into many dangerous situations, as she had a habit of wandering into the wrong parts of the building as soon as she learned to crawl. Years later, Cyn still stays around Tessa, usually putting in her own input when Tessa contacts a Drone.
FAMILY: James (Deceased) & Louisa Elliott (Parents), N & Cyn (Adoptive Siblings)
Tessa is in charge of the Disassembly Drones and Solver Program, for whatever reason, running the experiments despite not really wanting to kill the Drones. She lives more at the Government Building that she does at home, even having a bed there, and has built a lot of the Drones running around (obviously not Cyn, though). She also helped build and program N, V, and J, gaining a lot of skill from a young age. Tessa feels awful about how James wants the Solver Drones dead when the new computer is finished, since unlike other missions where the Disassemblers are deployed, they didn't bond with the Drones they would kill and therefore didn't care about it. Quickly acting without actually thinking, Tessa manages to infect the Solver Computer with a virus, blowing it up the next time it was booted up... again. This had the unintended side effect of taking James out with it, but she's quickly realized it doesn't bother her all that much.
FAMILY: Alice is Beau's mother
FRIENDS: Uzi, Doll, N, V, Nori, Yeva
Solver Infected Drone. Alice is a lot more feral than Tessa's records say she was, having moved out prior to Doll and Uzi being built, meaning she's never met them and was pretty giddy finding out they were Yeva and Nori's kids. Alice lives alone in the woods, at least, until she adopts the abandoned Beau, and V gets reassigned to her. She's got knowledge on the Solver, but since it was in a super early stage when she quit, the knowledge isn't really that useful.
ASKBLOG: md-chuck-au
CW: Self-Modification, Unreality, Nilhilism?
A post-canon AU where N wakes to find himself back at Elliott Manor. He's trapped in a constant loop of the memory seen in Home, but he remembers everything that's happened since and is technically his current self, just trapped in his old Worker body.
In reality, V and Uzi are trying their best to get N out of the loop without being aware of what's happening - he's pretty much completely powered off, limp, his visor is blank and his extra eyes are off. The rest of his lights are dim, and Uzi can't connect to him the same way she did in Home. V isn't sure what's happening either. Thad is frequently the one they use to feed N by cutting open his arm and dripping the oil into N's pried open snout. Either that, or they use Doll's old stash. Time moves a lot faster for N than it actually is for Uzi and V.
Characters look the same as in canon unless a ref says otherwise!
Uzi's worried, scared, and panicked. N won't wake up no matter what they do, V isn't sure what's happening, and even if they thought J would, they have no clue where she fell to. She's hiding N's current state from anyone not in their direct friend group, worried that Drones who don't approve of Disassemblers living in the base (like Khan or Nori) would take this as a easy kill opportunity. Sometimes her voice can get through to N, and he'll hear it in the distance within the loops. However, he doesn't really understand it's actually Uzi, and not just his mind playing tricks on him again.
Oh, poor, poor, N. Being trapped in such a awful memory, looping for who knows how long? All he wants to do is go back with V, Thad, and Uzi, but instead he's trapped with J, Cyn, and an about-to-die Tessa. He initally starts out nervous and panicky, especially where Cyn is concerned. Over and over, the loops take a severe hit to his mental state, and he modifies his body to look more like his current Disassembler self after realizing the modifications stay through loops, for whatever reason. Since he's the one adding these things, most of them dont quite function like they should - he can walk and use his hands pretty well (he sometimes stumbles or misses when he goes to grab things), but swapping to other weapons either jams up, doesn't work, or pulls out the wrong thing. He spends the loops in different ways, preventing Tessa from going to the Gala to talk with her, ranting to the out of commission V, maiming J or the older Elliotts... whatever he can do, he will. Starting to feel like a sandbox game to him. N's need for oil and violent tendencies are brought into the loops, though he can't feel when he overheats (though others can, as pointed out by Tessa the first time). While he has maimed and eaten plenty of random Workers (even eating J's leg in one loop), the only way to actually stop the cravings is for his real body to eat. This is achieved unknowingly to him (the craving just fades after some time and then appears later on repeat) through Uzi and V giving him either Thad's, Lizzy's, or Doll's (storage) of oil. It's awkward having to drip the oil into his pried open snout, even more so if they aren't using a amputated limb.
Worker Drone J thinks N is loosing it. She already had little patience for him in the real world, but as N becomes less and less coherent, J just doesn't want to deal with him nor learn why he's been acting like this.
In the real world, V is trying her best to help Uzi with N while knowing nothing about what's happening. Her methods are more forceful, shaking N around, poking him in the visor... but nothing's working, and it's painful. In the loops, V is stuck out of commission over in the library, never coming out of her ERRORing despite how often N will rant, cry, or hug her.
Thad's worried about N too, of course, but he's also trying to distract Uzi so she doesn't drive herself into the wall. He's willing to help out with anything V and Uzi ask of him, sometimes finding himself talking to the unresponsive N about sports or games he's gotten into lately. Then he just buries his face into N's chest for awhile.
Doll's "ghost" manages to imprint itself back into her corpse, allowing her to somewhat possess it. However, due to it being possession and a broken corpse, she didn't really come back right - they just kind of slapped bandages over her wounds rather than properly fixing them, her clothes and hair are covered in oil (which her corpse otherwise lacks), and there's a gaping hole in her face and chest. She's wearing a different shirt since her Cheerleading Uniform got torn up, and her visor frequently glitches out, sometimes displaying random emotions or Russian words, or just remaining blank. Her mouth does not open when she talks a lot, either, and her voice is slightly echoey and disconnected. As she's dead, she doesn't need oil, and has decided to try (keyword, TRY) to get along with V and help N since she's a lot more defenseless without her Solver, not to mention that her body does not function correctly anymore. She still lives at her own apartment, as V lives over with Lizzy, and Doll isn't quite comfortable bunking with V yet.
Lizzy has grown to be concerned over N, initally spending time over at Uzi's since V was often there. She's also trying to get Doll back into society, with her totally not having a small breakdown when Doll showed up on her doorstep.
In the loops, Cyn acts the same - though sometimes she slips up due to N catching her off-guard when he implies things she hasn't actually put into motion yet (he later devolves to be way more blunt about this, not that anyone really believes him besides the un-admitting Cyn). She often attempts to study him without his knowledge, which is easy at some points due to him severly spacing out. N will always drag Tessa away from Cyn if they get too close from each other.
The memory of Tessa prior to her death. She's worried about N more and more each loop, and occasionally asks him stuff about the present despite knowing she's going to forget it. She told N that Uzi sounds like a great Drone, and while concerned about his current status as a genocidal cannibalistic murderer, she told him that she'd still love him (platonically!!!). Despite N knowing that nothing he does here will affect the present, he's still protective of her.
ASKBLOG: backtothemanor
SONGS: Echo - Crusher, Without You - Breaking Benjamin, Nightmare - Set It Off, I'll Sleep When I'm Dead - Set It Off, Eternal Dream - AJ DiSpirito (Kovach's Cover To Make It More Fitting)
CW: None
It's like regular Earth, people populate the world. Drones exist as Fairies, assigned to children in need of them. You know the drill if you've watched Fairly OddParents. 10-year-old Tessa has recieved Jenny as her Fairy... and Nate, too, thanks to a very out of it at the time Jenny. Nate, Jenny, let's go rob Graves!! Follows more MD lore than FOP. I'm really just making this up as I go this is a really silly AU.
Give him a moment he just started existing a week ago /silly He has a bit of difficulty controlling his magic sometimes, but he's trying his best even if sometimes his disguises fuck up and almost get him caught by James and Louisa. Silly and playful, Nate will take things seriously if need be, but it's a bit hard for him to tell sometimes. Likes being perched around Tessa's room, joining her on her Grave-Robbing. He prefers to shift into animals instead of objects, usually dogs.
Jenny is the actual Fairy assigned to Tessa. Jenny is very by the book, referring to Da Rules quite often. She tries her best to help with Tessa and grant her less aggressive and violent wishes. The one time she drove away from strict guidelines was when Tessa wished for a brother. So Jenny spawned in Nate, another Fairy who, due to literally just spawning in, is a bit clueless on what is happening. In general. Jenny does not really like him, but she tolerates him more than in canon. She also doesn't really even remember creating him.
Began closed off and shy due to her only socializing coming from the rare interactions with her parents, Tessa begins opening up and becoming more openly unhinged due to Jenny and Nate being there. Keeps getting the Fairies to join her on her Grave-Robbing (which she just does for fun here, she collects bones and displays the skulls in her room. Her parents do not notice somehow that their 10 yr old has real skulls in her room). Nate keeps nearly granting her violent wishes before Jenny stops him so they don't all get in trouble (Jenny got in enough trouble spawning Nate in to begin with).